Location: located in the east of Mallorca, this is the fourth largest municipality of the island. Its highest point is the Puig de Sant Salvador, with 510 meters, on the top of which the sanctuary that bears the same name rises, built to mark the Black Death that devastated Europe in 1834 and which caused the death of around 900 people in the town, half of its population by that time. In Porto Colom we find the marina of the municipality with excellent beaches and restaurants. Distances: 52 Km. to Palma, 14 to Manacor. Useful information: Town hall: Pça Constitució, 1 Felanitx Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 58 00 51 FAX 971 58 32 71 www.ajfelanitx.net Police: Pça Constitució, 1 Felanitx Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 58 22 00 Post office: Costa Llobera, 1 Felanitx Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 58 02 52 Ambulatory: Ptge. Ramón Llull Felanitx Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 58 02 54 Library: Mar, 15 Felanitx Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 58 40 21 Sports centre: Ctra. Campos, s/n Felanitx Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 58 21 01 Markets: Pça. Constitució, Sundays Holiday: Santa Margalida, 20th of July, Sant Agusti 28th of August.
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