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Mancor del Vall

Location: located in the Raiguer region, close to Selva, its main activity is the shoe and leather industry. There are two hiking lovers interest destinations: Biniarroi hamlet and Masanella. Distances: 38 Km. to Palma, 7 to Inca. Useful information: Town hall: Pça del Ajuntament, 1 Mancor del Vall Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 40 17 76 FAX 971 88 11 94 www.ajmancordelavall.net Police Pça Ajuntament, 1 Mancor del Vall Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 50 17 76 Post office: Biniarroi, 19 Mancor del Vall Mallorca Balearic Islands Ambulatory Montaura, s/n Mancor del Vall Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 50 48 65 Library Metge Josep Mateu, 3 Mancor del Vall Mallorca Balearic Islands Sports centre P. des Pont, s/n Mancor del Vall Mallorca Balearic Islands Holiday: Sant Joan 24th of June, Romería a Santa Lucia

Novedades en Mancor del Vall

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