Location: located in the Pla de Mallorca. Its main economic activity is based on agriculture since the conquest times by Kin James I, especially known are their melons. In this town we find the talayotic town of Es Velar. The Cova des Garriguer is also a very nice place for hiking lovers. Distances: 51 Km. to Palma, 18 to Manacor. Useful information: Town hall: Pça des Pou, 13 Maria de la Salut Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 52 50 02 FAX 971 52 51 94 www.ajmariadelasalut.net Police: Pça des Pou, 13 Maria de la Salut Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 52 50 02 Post office: Ses Corbates, 9 Maria de la Salut Mallorca Balearic Islands Ambulatory: Pça de Dalt, s/n Maria de la Salut Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 52 55 94 Library: Sant Miquel, 11 Maria de la Salut Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 52 56 88 Sports centre: Ctra. Santa Margalida Maria de la Salut Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 52 54 57 Markets: Pça des Pou, Wednesdays Holiday: Sant Antoni 17th January, Mare de Deu of September 8th September
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