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Location: it is located just next to Palma. At the beginning its economy was based on agricultural and ranching, but with the expansion of Palma, it has changed into the industry and building. It has different villages such as Sa Cabaneta, Portol, Pla de Na Tesa, Es Pont d'Inca, Son MArçal, Els Garrovers,. Distances: 18 Km. to Palma, 20 to Inca. Useful information: Town hall: Cami de Son Olesa, 66 (Sa Cabaneta) Marratxi Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 78 81 00 FAX 971 79 74 33 www.ajmarratxi.net Police: Polígono Industrial, Selleters Marratxi Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 60 44 08 Post office: Licorers, 169 (Polígono) Marratxi Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 60 42 77 Ambulatory: Camí de Muntanya, s/n Marratxi Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 60 49 59 Library: Santa Bárbara, s/n Marratxi Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 79 76 24 Markets: Pont d’Inca: Wednesdays Pòrtol: Thursdays Holiday: Sant MArçal 30th June, Sra del Carmen 16th July

Novedades en Marratxi

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