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Villafranca de Bonany

Location: located in the Pla. In the 60s, the farmers began to sell their products directly to the consumer next to the road Palma-Manacor. This custom has been kept since it is usual to find places that sell farming products on the sides of the road. Distances: 43 Km. to Palma, 10 to Manacor. Useful information: Town hall: Pça Major, 1 Villafranca de Bonany Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 83 21 06 FAX 971 83 21 08 Police: Pça Major, 1 Villafranca de Bonany Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 83 21 06 Post office: Principal, 8 Villafranca de Bonany Mallorca Balearic Islands Ambulatory: Costa i Llobera, 1 Villafranca de Bonany Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 56 05 50 Library: Escorxador, 2 Villafranca de Bonany Mallorca Balearic Islands TEL 971 56 08 04 Markets: Pça. Major, Wednesdays Holiday: Sant Antoni 17th January, fira del Melo 1st week of September

Novedades en Villafranca de Bonany

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