MallorcaSite's corporate magazine is our communication channel with our clients. It aims to be an approach to the island's lifestyle, from the point of view that we know best: luxury properties. Do not miss our recommendations.
This issue of the MallorcaSite magazine is designed to bring you closer to the lifestyle of the island, from the stance that we understand the best: luxury properties. We hope you enjoy this work of art.
Este 2018 fusionamos Arte y Propiedades a pie de pista gracias a la cooperación con Gallery Red. No es necesario volar a Nueva York para disfrutar de arte contemporaneo de artistas internacionales de renombre. Y por ello dedicamos la portada de esta edición a una obra de arte muy singular, "Kisses from Elsa" del artista mallorquín de renombre internacional Natxo Frisuelos.
In 2015, taking advantage of the launch of our corporate video, we released our magazine format. Up to than our product recommendations came in catalog format.
The protagonist of our 2016’s edition was our slogan, A Fresh Approach to Real Estate. Hence the jump to the sea from a very natural and casual place, a wink to our "Fresh" customer service.
A glamorous edition for its black and white cover in the 1920’s, The Great Gatsby, style, which also was the theme for the launch party of this year...